Dark Company

Dec 25th 2023

Hosted by

December 25th 07:00 PM
Length: 2 hours

Other - Casual
10 rep/h (Flex Event)


18 Attendees

Dark Company

anyone is welcome

In this event we will be playing Lethal Company. We are going to play Modded to make this game

more realistic and more scarier to play.

If you need Help setting up the mods Dm me ( Darksmoke) on discord and i will help you
or you can watch this youtube video to do it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHWs6iIXm04
Profile code : 018ca19b-2a1d-eb89-c457-568ad569db90

This is a Flex Event, which means you are able to join at any time and still earn REP 

Hope to see you there

10 REP / hour