Siphonophore Watching

Oct 11th 2023

Hosted by

October 11th 08:00 PM
Length: 1 hour

Overwatch - Casual
10 rep/h (Flex Event)

North America

2 Attendees

Siphonophore Watching

We shall be playing whatever game mode the group decides

(Any premades or people who would like to play a separate game mode will get their very own subchannel)

Please make sure to rsvp to earn rep!

All players are welcome to join!

Please no toxicity, at the end of the day its just a game no need to ruin anyone's day over it

VC should be open 5 minutes before and EMT will be started 3 minutes after but this is a flex event so feel free to join in whenever! :D

Quick fun fact: The siphonophore is a creature made up of a bunch of organisms all with their own jobs to work as a team (They can also get longer than a blue whale)